The Game of Expectations

I read it somewhere, in your entire life span, you meet plenty of temporary people, who when meet you, fill your lives with happiness and then leave. If you will look back, you will find many joyful moments with them. Memories are a timeless treasure of the heart and you are left with those memories at the end.

This is a bitter truth but you can make it sweet by accepting the facts and living in present. Just look around you, sometimes, people from who you expect the least turn out to be the better ones' from the ones you expect the most. Here, the game is all about expectations. 

How not to complicate things? 

The simple art of living is to cherish your present. Trust me! If you are going to keep this mindset that the people with whom you are enjoying your life and making memories is going to stick with you till the end, you might get a heartbreak because this is the harsh reality. No one is going to stick around you forever. Everyone has a life which is moving swiftly towards their destination. If you will start depending on the other person in seek of your own happiness, this is certainly going to complicate things. 

There are people, you might think, are expecting a lot from you but you need to consider the fact how important you're in their life. You don't always have to be self-centred. Sometimes, if a person is putting a lot of efforts in maintaining a long-time friendship, you need to reciprocate. Never take your loved ones for granted. 

Sometimes, you just need to distance yourself from people. If they care, they will notice and get back to you. If they don't, you will get to know where you always stood in their lives. 
"Time Nahi Hai!" is the fakest excuse for them. Please stay away from them.

I have been there. Harsh reality Check!😂
But someone told me that you're expecting a lot, to which I responded " Chaliye Aap Aage Badhiye!"
Sometimes, closing the doors is the best option. Show your emotions. It's okay if you're hurt because they never cared about your feelings. You can. Pamper yourself by kicking them out of life. They deserve it.😜 The Best Feeling!❤️ Maybe it won't affect them at all but it will give you a delightful experience.

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