Have A Whole Nutella Break!

Keep Calm & Have a Nutella Break! Nutella because just a Kit-Kat break won't work for you.
You know, things are not normal outside. You are stuck in the middle of nowhere. You're clueless about the concept of spending months inside your house and meanwhile, you really need to cope up with the on-going competition and future possibilities of your life getting more messed up.
Your colleagues and friends are daily posting about the new achievements and skill-sets they have acquired and how productively they're using this quarantine period. Now, you're getting more anxious about the fact that how to score better then them. PEER PRESSURE.

You have a lot of work to do but you can't, you simply can't because your mind is literally unsettled. You think. You think a lot. You think about your past and present relationships with your family, friends, colleagues and the list goes on. Infact, you don't even spare your future for that matter. OVERTHINKING.

You're living with your family 24X7 and sometimes it may happen that you might get into a conflict with your parents or sibling. On top of it, you have no choice of going out of the house to get refreshed. Nope! Lockdown, you see.
 So, here you are, battling with COVID-19, Anxiety, Depression, Mood Swings, Insomnia, Loss or Gain of Appetite and what not. I am not a Doctor for God's sake but I can clearly figure it out. I might be facing the same issues but guess what, this is what life has to offer you right now. 
Take that Nutella-Break Dude! Press the clutch and slowly apply the break. 
Just think, why you need to go through all this, at all? So, these are some of my mantras. Do not sue me in the court if that doesn't work for you.πŸ˜›

DO NOT BE THE EXTREMIST. There are two extreme situations which can happen nowadays. First, you can end up doing a lot of extra work in the name of upgrading your skill sets in order to win that imaginary race you're running. Second, you don't give a shit what others are doing and you do nothing thinking that you're not a Zombie who will blindly follow and do things just like your fellow mates.Both the cases are extreme, trust me! 
Always remember, quality matters not quantity. You're a Superman! if you say that you're the first-case extremist and the work you've done is 100% quality checked. I am not talking to you brother, you're not a friend.😐
I would rather suggest you to maintain a balance and choose the middle way. Acquire some new skills just for your own benefit not with the agenda to compete with others. Please take a long break if you're feeling pressured at any point of time. If you're a second-case extremist, you need to think that you might end up last and good for nothing because we cannot spend the entire lockdown with zero productivity. You might start having other mental health problems after the lockdown, in this case.

GET AWAY FROM THE TOXIC RELATIONSHIPS. Come'on! It's a high time. This is the period where you will think about the people who have hurt you in the past and present. You may feel betrayed and your mental stability may get severely damaged due to these past reconsiderations. No more explanation, just go and block them. Why do you have to be with them at the first place?  This is the best time. You won't be able to meet them in person and just in case, you're not in the talking terms and still connected to them on social media. Still, block them. Why to stalk them or get to see their newsfeed and stories?The peaceful sleep you will get after doing this is something you will only get by experience.πŸ˜‚

TRY AVOIDING CONFLICTS WITH FAMILY MEMBERS. Whatever the situation is, please do not disrespect your parents. I know, it's not always possible to control the anger within but try really hard to avoid this situation. You have to co-exist with your family and getting into conflicts will only worsen the whole environment of your home. Try to spread positivity instead. Cook for your family, try new dishes from YouTube. Talk to them about life and future. Some gossiping also, it won't harm. For few hours just put your cellphones and laptops on charging and have a quality time with your family. Sometimes, they act better than your best friends. This will happen rarely otherwise, when the whole family is together without any occasion. 

DO THE THINGS WHICH MAKE YOU FEEL HAPPY. So, apparently I have seen people critising others who follow trends and challenges like "Never Have I Ever.." or "Guess the Gibberish Challenge" on their social media. Infact, I have seen people, who themselves participate in these challenges and yet critise others for the same. Dude! Just stick your nose into your social media and stop spreading unnecessary negativity.😐 
Guys, do whatever makes you feel happy. It's your life, your social media handle, your desires and entirely your decision to make. Whatever makes you feel delighted, just do it. Be it using Tik-Tok, making Vines, Sketching and Painting, taking up the "Saari Challenge", and what not, just do it because already the world outside is falling apart and there you are, trying to find your happiness in these LITTLE THINGS.❤️✨

Follow me on my Social Media Handles to Connect: 



  1. Well said ms aquarium soul♥️

  2. Shreya this was a much required post. ❤ I was really looking for something like this. Damn! Over thinking is getting worse day by day. Excellent presentation of thoughts.πŸ‘ Keep Growing..

    1. Thank you so much πŸ’• It really means a lot.

  3. Replies
    1. Aniket πŸ˜‚ a huge shout-out to www.darkfinance.com guys. All my Finance buddies do check it out.✨

  4. Great writing Shreya ❤️ loved it. Write more

  5. You have conveyed it in so simple yet interesting manner Shreya... Keep it up bro!!!πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ

    1. This really means a lot. Thank you so much!πŸ˜ƒ✨

  6. Good one Shreya... Loved itπŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘

  7. Hey , that's really nice Shreya..!!πŸ’πŸ˜ƒ

  8. Please write more.. this simply awesome shreya.

  9. Very good ShreyaπŸ‘πŸ‘ much needed post..

  10. This literally blessed my quarantine life♥️πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ˜¬

  11. Nice opinion, beautifully expressed! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ»
    Congratulations Shreya - The Blogger ! πŸ’πŸ’

    1. Thank you so much. I am glad you liked it.πŸ˜ƒ✨

  12. I am a fan of your creativity, how well you content connects with the title of the blog ❤ First Captain America's Shield and now Nutella and KitKat. Beautifully written Shreya 😘
    Your ideas are very motivating on how to deal with negativity spread all around πŸ˜€

    1. This really made my day. Thank you so much!πŸ˜ƒ✨


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