The Young Angry Birds

Short tempered. Frustration. Irritation. Reckless & Impulsive behavior. Restlessness. Panic attacks. Feeling of Hopelessness and anxiety. Loss of patience level. 

Heavy terms? Heavier in experience.

Majority of people around you are facing the same issues in some or the other ways. I am specifically going to talk about the Generation Z. Being a part of the same generation, I know how much people go through in their day-to-day life but believe me, you're not the only one. I agree to the subject that not everyone is facing the same circumstances. But dude! You need to gather your shit together before everything goes out of your hands.

There are people who consider their anger issues as their strength. My God! Why? Nobody wants to be around a person who gets angry on every single bit of topic. You can consider this example that even in The Angry Birds Movie (2016), Red, a bird had some serious temper issues due to which it was outcasted on an island. Trust me! It's really important for you to control your anger because not everyone is going to tolerate your tantrums buddy. And this is coming from a person who had some major anger issues. πŸ˜‚ I am not going to tell you the Googled version of controlling anger but something from my past experiences and observations.

TRY TO AVOID CERTAIN ARGUMENTS. You might find yourself at a place where you cannot control your anger. It's better to either walk out of that situation or keep silence. (That's tough though!) But remember! If two flights will take off from opposite directions, they will collide at a point and everything will be destroyed. Same is the case with two people having argument. If both of them will continue thrashing each other, they will definitely end up spoiling their relationship. 

STAY ALONE FOR SOME TIME. Grab a water-bottle or a cup of coffee. Take a lone walk. Think and try to process what had happened and how you could have avoided this situation. If still you're not able to control your anger, try other escape plans which you will find below.

LISTEN TO THE MUSIC OR WATCH YOUR FAVOURITE MOVIE. Basically, fall in love with your earphones. They are Darling! ❤️ They save you from the world's continuous chattering. And when you're angry, they are blessings in disguise. Watch a romantic comedy, science fiction or any genre movie for that matter. It should make you feel delighted and should divert your brain from that unnecessary quarrels.

LEAVE THAT SPACE AND RELAX WITH THE PEOPLE WHO MAKE YOU FEEL HAPPY. Talk to the ones who really make you laugh and feel light-hearted. Share your thoughts, talk about that person who had triggered your anger earlier but make sure that the other person is reliable. πŸ˜‚ Otherwise you know, things will get more messed up for you. At the end of the day, you really need to vent out everything otherwise you will keep getting triggered with that anger issue. 

USE OF APPROPRIATE LANGUAGE. First thing, if you think you look really cool by using offensive and abusive words, you are right! πŸ˜‚ You do look cool but only when it is relevant. When the person in front of you, actually deserves it. But if he doesn't, then you are making a fool out of yourself. Everyone notices it, EVERYONE. They won't come and say it on your face. Not because, they are afraid of you or anything. Simply, because they want to avoid you. So, for the best-case scenario, keep your speech quality good. 

GIVE HIGHER PRIORITY TO YOUR PEACE OF MIND. Sometimes, to prove that you have got better counter attacks, you keep arguing. This happens to an extent where you keep your peace of mind & positive environment in danger. Just think about it, who is suffering at the end? YOU & YOUR LOVED ONES. If you believe that you can easily let go of some unnecessary quarrels, just let it go. Anyways, it’s not race that you should to win every time.

CUT OFF THE NEGATIVE PEOPLE FROM YOUR LIFE. Again and again, if someone is triggering your anger and they have clearly proved that they aren't worth it. Just kick them out of your life. If you simply can't do the same. Ignorance is bliss. Avoid being around them as they will not help you in your betterment but in your downfall. Ultimately, if you will control and keep your anger within, again and again it will create anxiety which is not good for you in a long run.

ANXIETY ATTACKS! TRY TO MEDITATE AND DIVERT YOUR MIND. Sometimes, you just can't control yourself. You want to give it back then and there. It might be helpful in some cases but not every time. If you really want control your anger, you need to find a way to deal with it differently. Try meditation, breathing exercises and other escape plans.

STOP DISRESPECTING YOUR PARENTS/CHILDREN. Soft target? Trash box? How conveniently you vent out everything on your parents and get a deal out of it? This doesn't apply for everyone but there are some who always do the same. Just because you know that they will never turn their backs on you, you keep on growling upon them. Doesn't suit you Buddy! Control it. Not worth it. Later on, in life, you will definitely regret it that for what stupid reasons you did it. 😌
Similarly, there are some parents who insult their own children in front others. They always compare them with others and sometimes, they too vent out their anger on them in a very ugly manner. I know some parents who literally beat the shit out their children on very pity issues. They don't know what might be piling up inside them after getting that treatment. A humble request to them. Please consider your children's individuality and treat them with respect. Punish them only when it is very much required. 

TAKE A LONG, DREAMY NAP. Oh God! This is the best way to avoid such situation. You're not in a good mood, better keep your brain on a Sleep mode. It will definitely help you in mind diversion, anger control and to avoid certain situations. 

You still want to convey your point. Text them in a better mood later. You can also write a hand-written letter to your parents. πŸ˜‚ Mention all your complaints, point to point in that letter. Already caused a mess, apologize! LEARN IT. Start owning up your mistakes. It will really help you to grow in a better way. At the end, stop being an Angry Bird always. πŸ˜›

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  1. Nicee...πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ˜Š

  2. yes! controlling your anger before it controls you...very well written.

  3. I am definitely making all the angry birds ik read thisπŸ˜…πŸ˜, and I am sure it's going to be truly beneficial for them, as well as for me♥️πŸ‘€

    1. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Thank you. I am really glad you liked it.πŸ’•❤️✨

  4. Very nice blog... especially for me. To be very frank I have been practicing the tips mentioned by you in the blog and with lot of success. I have controlled my angry bird attitude to great extent now. I'm now now loved by my haters too.

    I'm forwarding your blog to someone I know... the one who needs to read this.

    Waiting for your next blog... Happy Blogging! πŸ‘πŸ»

    1. Hey!πŸ˜ƒ
      Thank you so much! This really matters a lot. I am really glad that you liked it and I ll definitely try my best to come up with some new topics.πŸ˜ƒ✨

  5. You have actually compiled all the relevant things which a person generally do... Very nice work!πŸ‘Œ

    1. I am really glad that you liked it. πŸ˜ƒ

  6. Thank you for this it is really helpful for me

  7. All your blogs are so well written and so motivational filled with positive vibes. They are so relatable I believe everyone can relate themselves to it and benefit from it. Again Great work Shreya πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘πŸ‘

    1. Thank you so much Akshat! I am glad you liked it.πŸ˜ƒ


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