Keep Turning Pages

Are you tired? Tired of pursuing something or someone? Tired of proving yourself in front of the ones who really matter in your life? You wanted to keep them forever. You never wanted to let them go out of your life no matter what situation would have come but you know it in your heart that there is a limit you could hold them. 
This is not just for the people but also for some situations and conditions which you might be facing in your life. You're broken! You're feeling helpless! You need a shoulder to cry on. You need someone to pull you out of this situation but no one is out there...

Now listen!
Do you really think that everyone out there is having a perfect life? Do you really believe in knight in the shining armour or a fairy?  Hell no! You're the Hero/Heroine of your own story. You will get badly hurt if you're going to expect others to hold you while you're falling apart. If there is someone, feel blessed. If not, feel powerful and believe in yourself because you will get through this. Trust me. 

I know it will be hard but it's time to turn the page to the next chapter. I don't believe in holding or waiting for someone/something who doesn't give a shit about you. Believe in yourself and your destiny. Get hold of life in your own hands. No one, literally no one has a right on it and dare you to give that right to anyone. Stay devoted, stay loyal, stay loving but don't betray your own self while doing this. Self-love is the most important for you right now. Let go of it and turn the next page because only you can do it. Life is full of surprises. Maybe on the next page, you might find a ray of hope. A hope to keep growing and ultimately get through this situation. 

Remember! You need to fight your way out. Keep your family by your side. They won't stop loving you and will always support you no matter how hard and difficult things turn out. Don't cry for someone for whom you mean nothing but just another person. Don't cry if you didn't get something you desperately wanted to have for yourself. Maybe that isn't meant for you. Maybe something more valuable is waiting for you on the next page of your life. Feel blessed because whatever happens, happens for good. Maybe you will not realise it now but later you will definitely get this point. Do not waste your single tear or emotions on something that isn't worth it. Stay focused on the signals life is giving to you. Go with the flow and you will find that light outside this tunnel you're right now stuck in. Keep pushing yourself until you get on to the next page and grab this lifetime advice. Keep Moving! Keep Growing and Keep turning pages of your Life.


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