Kickstart to Become the Unstoppable

Storytime Guys!
A person was pretty dumb and had low self-confidence and self-esteem during his high school days. To be honest, he has no regrets for being such kind of a person because he learnt the major life lessons from that phase of his life. Somehow, life took some twist and turns and apparently, he had entered in a self-discovery mode. This was his transition period, also the golden period where he discovered that what wonders he could do and what were his true capabilities. And when he began discovering and learning about himself, he became the UNSTOPPABLE.
This is what everyone needs in life. A kickstart!
I have also seen one of my very good friends, evolving from being an introvert, sitting quietly in the class to becoming the center of attraction in a stage competition, just by believing in his capabilities. If he had doubted himself at the very first initiative which he took to become a student council member, he might not have reached to the position that he is holding today. All it takes is to grab the right opportunity at the right time. Sometimes your destiny plays the role but sometimes, it's you who need to show the guts to stand up for yourself. 

Many people just love being in a crowd. They very well know about their hidden talents but purposely, they avoid being in a spot-light. May be they are liking it and are being comfortable with it but this is so serious that some of the brightest students in the class, don't answer a question raised by their faculty, for the very same reason. Why? This is because they chose to be with the crowd. They think that their friends might take them as a serious and a studious person who by answering all the questions, is just trying to show-off in front of everyone. 
Just think for a moment. Why shouldn't you do this? It is you who is being proactive and gaining knowledge, not the others. Then it should be your decision to make whether you should answer or not, and this should be entirely based on the level of your knowledge, not because of what people around you would think.

People, nowadays, tend to pull their competition down. They try their level best to demotivate you when you are willing to start something new. Stay away from such toxic people in your life. You also need to stop being one of them. Karma will always hit you back and that too really hard. Try to motivate people around you if you believe in their capabilities and they are not feeling confident about it. The world requires such people because they are few. Whenever you come across such beautiful souls, try to keep them with you forever. 

Stop thinking so much about your next step towards your dreams & aspirations, just do it. The worst what can happen is that you might face failure but at least you will know, that you tried. You will know about what went wrong and how can you rectify it in your next attempt. Never underestimate yourself, buddy! Never let go off the golden opportunities which rarely knock on your door. You have got this in you. Just a little push is required from your end and you will have it all for yourself. 
Never be afraid of being in limelight because you deserve to be there. This world is full of competition. If your heart believes that you can carry this out, then believe your heart and go for it. Always sitting quietly, won't work for you. Hustle, take up the challenges and believe me, ultimately, everything will fall at their places. 

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  1. 😍 Thankyou for being that person in my life...always pushing me for something or the other, even though its annoying sometimes but I've always known your intentions behind it♥️!
    You go girl! Keep writing keep inspiring!

  2. Very relatable post Shreya! It happens quite often with everyone. I will definitely share it with my friends.

    Keep it up girl!πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘

  3. I feel motivated now... ✌️✌️😊What a lovely thought Shreya..

    1. You need this motivation buddyπŸ˜‚ Thank you!πŸ˜ƒ

  4. What an inspiring thought!πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜ Long way to go Shreya.

  5. Please be unstoppable with your blog, work and words. Thanks for all the motivation

  6. You never fail to inspire through your thoughts. Highly motivating thoughts πŸ‘Œ


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