Goodbye to Regrets!

There were times, where you might have broken hearts due to some vulnerable situations, other toxic people, just because of your nature or unintentionally. There also might be situations- your major life decisions, your emotional investments on inconsiderate people and the list go on.

Today, when you look back, you may find yourself at a place where you can not do anything to undo that deed. It might be the worst decision of your life. It might be an impulse decision of your life. This might be badly affecting your mind from time to time. But guess what! This is life. You cannot make everyone happy. You simply can't. That's a universal truth but Inside, you know, you could have avoided this and this is what is causing you Regrets for Life.

Why not put this baggage on the back of destiny? Why not let it go from your shoulders? This is the requirement of your life. Whatever you could have done is in past. Now, maybe you cannot change the situations in your own favourable conditions. If you can apologise to that person, just do it. Saying Sorry, if you're at a mistake, is a gesture of showing respect to the relationship you have with that person. You won't become small or big in front of them if you will take this initiative from your side. It might rectify the bond between you two but there are chances that nothing might change after this. But to be honest, you will have peace in your heart that you did your best. 

Some deeds cannot be rectified even if you apologise to the person. This totally depends on the severity of the situation. How are you going to measure the level of severity? Simply, by imaging yourself at their places and asking yourself that would you have forgiven the person who would have done the same thing with you. If you would have not forgiven the person then you must understand the level of seriousness. All you can do is to learn from your past mistakes. Learning from experience helps you in avoiding the same situations in future.

You should not stick to the situation or the person if you were wrong, forever. Having regrets doesn't mean that you should stop living your life for it. You might hold a regret but there is a point in life where you literally have to bid Goodbye to them. Goodbye to your Regrets. 

I will tell you why. This is because it is your life. You cannot keep standing and waiting for the bus who has already left the station. Similarly, you cannot keep waiting for things to get back to normal. You will have to accept fate and eventually have to move on. Moving on is not a bad term. It might sound selfish sometimes but if it can make your life simpler and happier then why not? Just let it go and move on. Learn from your experiences. That is Life. 

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  1. True that!....... this is the reality of life accept and move on♥️

  2. ‌Execellent work!����

  3. How do you manage to keep every person around you, or connected to you happy👀♥️🤞🏻

  4. Very beautiful and positive thoughts and very well written it ❤. Excellent piece of writing Shreya. Keep it up ��


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